Whittlesey and District Neighbourhood Watch

Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025

We live in unpredictable and ever-changing times. The pace of change is faster now than at any time in our past, whether this is in relation to public services, technology, communication, our working or home lives and of course crime. We were founded on the premise of bringing people together as neighbours and communities to help prevent crime, and all the evidence suggests that the need for this today is as great as it has ever been. 

The five year strategy builds on the success of the Charity and charts a path for the future, identifying the major themes, goals and key activities. It will help provide clear aims and objectives and allow us to measure our effectiveness. The impact of Covid-19 on communities has been significant in 2020. The continuing response to Covid-19 and other unforeseen factors may influence this strategy. We will review strategy delivery annually and make amendments to address any such influences.

This strategy will ensure that by 2025 we are:

  • The authoritative voice on community-based crime prevention
  • The most popular gateway for citizens to engage in their locality
  • A recognised contributor to community health and wellbeing

To view the plan click on this link Strategic Plan 2020-25